Blackstar Fly 3 Fuse Replacement

Blackstar Fly 3 Fuse Replacement

I was tasked with getting my mates Blackstar Fly 3 portable amp going again. I was told he plugged the wrong power supply into it and it stopped working. It was a fairly straight forward process, the hardest part was actually dissembling it as all the cables were hot...

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Cleaning up a Marshall JTM60

Cleaning up a Marshall JTM60

A nice quick fix and flick project. A very cheap find on Trademe was the JTM60 3 x 10. Very similar to the 1990’s JTM30, it was loud and the reverb was horrible. I didn’t end up taking many photos of this build but essentially I brought the amp faulty with the idea...

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The Most 1980’s JCM800 ever

The Most 1980’s JCM800 ever

I always wanted a big Marshall but could never find the one I liked. Then I discovered Ceriatone. They had a hand wired JCM800 dual volume schematic for a hand wired amp. After doing the math and finding some bargain deals the project was a go! Finding a speaker cab...

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Building the famous 1974X Marshall 18 Watt

Building the famous 1974X Marshall 18 Watt

The amp the started it all. The 1974X is a very popular build amongst DIY amp builders. Some say it holds that classic Marshall tone. My Build starts and my dad, as usual. During my first year at uni dad started building the Marshall and it just sounded...

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Building a Mini Marshall Plexi

Building a Mini Marshall Plexi

Inspired by the sound of my JCM800 I longed for a more portable version with the same snarl and drive. It was then that I discovered Terry Stinger’s Plexi SE, a 5 watt version of the 6L6 based Marshall classic. [ngg src="galleries" ids="10" display="basic_thumbnail"...

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The 1950’s style Fender Champ

The 1950’s style Fender Champ

Technically the second amplifier I built, the 5F2A Fender Champ build was created out of left over parts. I had a bunch of leftover wood, tolex and fibreboard from the 18 Watt 1974X build ( and the green from dad’s build). [ngg src="galleries" ids="68"...

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